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My life and experiences viewed from an intercepted 8th House Stellium and the mysterious events that surround this placement along with various astro anomalies.

Monday, August 10, 2009


Psychologist and Philosophers ponder life and death

It seems to me that Astrology allows us a small window in which to view all things in their own individual Life Code. There is a time for everything to enter upon the stage of life,a time to play our role we were given or maybe we chose that part to play and then a time for departure from this stage. Beyond this I feel every living thing continues on there is no doubt in my own own knowing.

Jay Sebring

Born:Thomas John Kummer and born in Alabama on October 10, 1933 and Murdered August 9,1969 in Hollywood,Calif.

Jay Sebring and Sharon Tate had a long running love-friendship relationship.They say that he met Roma to be sure he was worthy of her.
They all met for dinner and Sebring gave his approval relunctly for Sharon to marry Roma. On the night of the murders Jay was visiting with Sharon and friends at her and Roma's rented house on Ceilo Dr. When they were interrupted by the Manson Family. Jay Sebring from my understanding was a man of small stature. I believe they said, 5'6" but none the less he gave his life in trying to protect Sharon Tate and her unborn child. "Tex" Watson had ordered everyone to lie on the floor on their stomachs."Tex" Watson was a good deal larger than Jay Sebring and bearing weapons.Sebring protested that it would be difficult for Sharon to do so. Sebring bore no arms to defend himself or Ms.Tate, yet he spoke out in her defence. For me that makes Seabring a true Hero.Tex Watson without hestation shot Sebring in the chest and the others kicked him to death on the floor.

In Jay Sebrings natal chart above we find his natal Neptune placed at 11º 14' Virgo. I have found this to be an omnious dregree in most charts bringing violent acts with a great amount of blood loss. In the chart below we have Mr.Sebring's Solar Return for 1969 and calculated for Hollywood ,Calif. There we find Mars resting on the Degree of 11ºVirgo 19" in his Solar Return 9th House. The 9th House refers to foreigners and people of a religious affiliations,deeds of virtue,friends,courts of law and devotion. If we take Jay Sebring's Solar Return chart and take Mars from that chart and place it in his natal 2nd House of future events; we find it in conjunction with his natal Neptune sitting on the same degree. Mars in conjunction with Neptune refers to places of seclusion which the house on Ceilo Dr sat far back off the road and surround by dense tree's.We have Mars which is engery and force combined with Neptune which relates to drugs,illusion,sacrifice,violence.All this brings violence to a place in seclusion.

Fixed Stars Midpoints for the Natal Chart of Jay Sebring

Jay Sebring's Natal Neptune is 11ºVirgo 19' and his 1968 Solar Return Mars's sits at 11ºVirgo14' both resting on the midpoint between the stars of
Al Hecka 23ºGem23' and Bungula 28ºSco13'

*Bungula ,according to Bulllinger bore the ancient name Toliman,meaning "Heretofore and Hereafter."
These stars give secret enemies along with violence,depravity and a wife who may die soon after marriage .When in conjunction with Mars and Neptune as they are in Jay Seabrings charts, they bring evil companions,sudden troubles of a Mars nature that being cutting,energy and violence.Combining the fixed stars with both charts we have a set ready for hidden acts of violence.

Now look at Tex Watsons Pre-Birth Eclipse chart and we find his Ecliptic Point to be 16º Cancer 52' and hidden behind Jay Sebring's
natal 12 ho.Cusp, as well as his Solar Return 8th house cusp. There we have the 8th being change/death and the 12 th House relating to seclusion,bondage and sorrows.The house where the murders took place was secluded to
which the Manson family brought acts of violence that led to the inhabitants brutal murder.


bardevolved said...


8th house according to my experience is the house of suffering, more of emotional suffering, we may make relations that we can not name or soceity does not approve, there are many aspects... it surely takes us toward spirituality

I have a stellium in the 8th house, sun,saturn,jupiter,pluto,mercury, can anyone have a look at the chart

my DOB 27TH SEP 1981
PLACE : Berhampur
Time : 3.28 pm

Anonymous said...

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My intercepted 8th House Stellium

My photo
M.Hendrick I have been a practitioner of astrological research since the beginning of 1982; at which time I had a near death experience which changed my life in many ways, one of which was an encounter with Astrology that lead to many awakenings in my travels through life.

The past 27 years have been devoted to study and research into various religious culture's and psychology,these being Kabbalah, Gematria, C.G.Jung and their relationships to Astrology.

A small collection of my research work was published in Aspect Magazine.

A stellium is at least 3 planets in close aspect, more intense if contained within one house and one sign. This unites the engeries into one intense lazer beam which is able to extract precise layers of information from time and space. M

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