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My life and experiences viewed from an intercepted 8th House Stellium and the mysterious events that surround this placement along with various astro anomalies.

Friday, June 12, 2009

Air France Flight 447 and The Fixed Stars

Mar's by way of mutual reception is now placed on the First Degree of Aries which is a fire sign and an indicator of strong first events. This point is nearly always an indicator of a spectacular out burst of energy and being place in the third house of short journeys.
Venus is also by mutual reception and placed at 24 deg's Taurus 52' and brings Venus to rest on the Fixed Star Algol. This Fixed Star is called by the Chinese the gruesome title "Tseih She",which means the Piled-up Corpses. Both of these planets by manner of their exchange show a tragic event along with the mutual reception brings much emotional despair for the families and friends of the victims in this horrific event.
For a larger view of this chart please visit

1 comment:

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My intercepted 8th House Stellium

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M.Hendrick I have been a practitioner of astrological research since the beginning of 1982; at which time I had a near death experience which changed my life in many ways, one of which was an encounter with Astrology that lead to many awakenings in my travels through life.

The past 27 years have been devoted to study and research into various religious culture's and psychology,these being Kabbalah, Gematria, C.G.Jung and their relationships to Astrology.

A small collection of my research work was published in Aspect Magazine.

A stellium is at least 3 planets in close aspect, more intense if contained within one house and one sign. This unites the engeries into one intense lazer beam which is able to extract precise layers of information from time and space. M

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