Mar's by way of mutual reception is now placed on the First Degree of Aries which is a fire sign and an indicator of strong first events. This point is nearly always an indicator of a spectacular out burst of energy and being place in the third house of short journeys.
Venus is also by mutual reception and placed at 24 deg's Taurus 52' and brings Venus to rest on the Fixed Star Algol. This Fixed Star is called by the Chinese the gruesome title "Tseih She",which means the Piled-up Corpses. Both of these planets by manner of their exchange show a tragic event along with the mutual reception brings much emotional despair for the families and friends of the victims in this horrific event.
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Venus is also by mutual reception and placed at 24 deg's Taurus 52' and brings Venus to rest on the Fixed Star Algol. This Fixed Star is called by the Chinese the gruesome title "Tseih She",which means the Piled-up Corpses. Both of these planets by manner of their exchange show a tragic event along with the mutual reception brings much emotional despair for the families and friends of the victims in this horrific event.
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