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My life and experiences viewed from an intercepted 8th House Stellium and the mysterious events that surround this placement along with various astro anomalies.

Friday, February 6, 2009

To review all my research on astrology,gematria and the fixed stars please visit

2._R.M.S.Titanic chart calulated in Gematria with corresponding English words and sentences. The words give a detailed description of this event.

3._Fixed Stars for R.M.S. Titanic's Maiden Voyage & her passenger John Jacob Astor

4._Research on three generations of one families pre-eclipse history. To view please visit the link below.

5._Rudolph Valentino _Lunar Return just prior to his death with words extracted from that chart. These words describe his passing.,


Unknown said...

I have been on a journey of trying to learn Astrology on my own. Ive been learning the basics (houses,polarity,elements,planets,keywords)for about 1 month now(know most of. I was hoping maybe you could give me a lesson in Aspects and how to apply them in the art of interpation. I understand their angles trine-120, square-90 etc etc. I am just having trouble putting tem into practice. I would really appericate any help you could offer and maybe even a donation via paypal for your teachings. I am quite serious about learning this art and how it works.

M.Hendrick said...

Jarrod, I'd be happy to help you as much as I can. M

diane said...

too have a stellium in an intercepted eighth house. I was just seeing what I could find about it and landed here. I haven't had a NDE but I have had an out of body experience at the age of 14. I've also had after death communication and telepathic instances...all of them spontaneous and unexpected. As much as I would like for more of them I haven't been able to make that happen on my own. I've studied astrology off and on as a hobby since I was a child. I'm interested in your views on the intercepted 8th. My chart is 5-24-1958 9:42 pm san francisco asc Sag. 21 41'42"

Ken said...

Hi, Miss Hendrick,

We've never been formally introduced. My name's Ken, and I'm a friend of a friend. I've lost contact with a few people, over a span of time, but I was hoping to touch base with you. I have a longstanding interest in Astrology, Gematria, and other such topics. I'm taking this opportunity now, to send you this message, so that hopefully we may be able to correspond on such topics. Wishing you well, hope to speak with you, as well as our friend Barb. soon.

M.Hendrick said...

Greetings,Glad to hear from you and would enjoy exchanging info with you. Please, email me at and I will go over your charts.

Ken said...

Interesting, Marlene. I saw on the news today (yesterday, actually) that the last surviving passenger on the RMS Titanic passed away in a nursing home in South Hampton, England. Perhaps you might do some reseach (though, it is hindsight), and see what you might be able to deduct about her? If that will work....

Anonymous said...

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My intercepted 8th House Stellium

My photo
M.Hendrick I have been a practitioner of astrological research since the beginning of 1982; at which time I had a near death experience which changed my life in many ways, one of which was an encounter with Astrology that lead to many awakenings in my travels through life.

The past 27 years have been devoted to study and research into various religious culture's and psychology,these being Kabbalah, Gematria, C.G.Jung and their relationships to Astrology.

A small collection of my research work was published in Aspect Magazine.

A stellium is at least 3 planets in close aspect, more intense if contained within one house and one sign. This unites the engeries into one intense lazer beam which is able to extract precise layers of information from time and space. M

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