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My life and experiences viewed from an intercepted 8th House Stellium and the mysterious events that surround this placement along with various astro anomalies.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Nakshatras and their meaing

Lets take a look at the Nakshatras they are the oldest known references to astrology from the Rig Veda, dating back some 5,000 years ago. The Vedas are religious scriptures from the seers and sages of India. The Nakshatras are rather like the zodiacal signs but more precise. Their meanings are derived from a combination of the constellations, fixed stars and the mythology behind these sections of the sky. They are rich with ruling deities or gods that reveal tales and/or myths that bring our personal charts to life filled with fruitful meaning.
The natal 8th house cusp that we're using is 28Cancer17 which = Nakshatra #9 Ashlesha. The symbol for this Nakshatra is Ashlesha ‘the embracer" resting at 16.40 to 30.00 Cancer it's symbol is the serpent,a curled up or coiled snake. The ring of stars that form the head of the Hydra (a serpent like creature) Acubens situated on the southern claw of the crab, is good for writing, study of astrology and public affairs.In mythology The serpent is the symbol of great wisdom, found in the occult sciences such as astrology or psychology. The snake has been referred to as the kundalini energy that rises through the spine in bringing spiritual enlightenment.
Now this all sounds just fine and dandy till one realizes the price of learning these infinite truths. Being on the cusp of the infamous 8th house cusp it's not such an easy task nor is it an easy path thru life. There seems to be a certain price that is extracted and if the task doesn't kill you then your on to the next trial of learning to sacrifice, usually something most dearly cherished. That's the price and there is no retreating once one has begun this journey.

1 comment:

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My intercepted 8th House Stellium

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M.Hendrick I have been a practitioner of astrological research since the beginning of 1982; at which time I had a near death experience which changed my life in many ways, one of which was an encounter with Astrology that lead to many awakenings in my travels through life.

The past 27 years have been devoted to study and research into various religious culture's and psychology,these being Kabbalah, Gematria, C.G.Jung and their relationships to Astrology.

A small collection of my research work was published in Aspect Magazine.

A stellium is at least 3 planets in close aspect, more intense if contained within one house and one sign. This unites the engeries into one intense lazer beam which is able to extract precise layers of information from time and space. M

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